EN Plus sertifikāts A1 LV017
This certificate proves the quality of wood pellets.
EN 14081-1:2005+A1:2011
This certificate attests that atI provisions concerning the assessment and verification of constancy of performance described in Annex ZA of the standard
BS 5534:2014+A2:2018
Visual grading of timber tiling batten
Ilgtspējīgas biomasas programma
Trading of roundwood. Production of sawn timber, engineered wood products, wood chips, sawdust, wood pellets and bark in credit based method.
UKCA BS EN 14081-1:2005+A1:2011
EN Plus
EN Plus A1 ir kvalitātes nodrošināšanas sistēma, kas attiecas gan uz granulu ražotājiem, gan izplatītājiem.
Termiska apstrāde
BM Certification attests that in our factory the technology and process and quality control conforms to requirements of regulations in Latvia.
Piegādes ķēde
BM sertifikācija. Apaļkoku, zāģmateriālu, šķeldas, zāģu skaidas, kokskaidu granulu un mizas iepirkšana, pārstrāde, uzglabāšana un realizācija.